Order your Back to School Spirit Gear
Christmas Dress up Days December 14-18
School Site Council is an opportunity to help your school make the best decisions for your student. The following parents have agreed to serve. Please take a minute out of your busy day to vote for 4! Thank you so much!
Next week is Red Ribbon Week! Dress up each day as your pledge to "Be Drug Free"!
Take the Parent reopening survey to help give us direction on how to proceed with our kiddos coming back to school!
https://forms.gle/FNs4gcMxkSSVaPVX7 (English)
https://forms.gle/U365mZa8Hh1WKadc6 (Spanish)
Don't miss your chance to get your picture taken or to order school spirit wear! Pictures are today and tomorrow in the Standard Middle School gym from 1-5 pm. Order your Wingland Spirit wear here: until October 22, 2020. Our School ID number is: 141110
Don't miss Picture Day! This week on Thursday and Friday at Standard Middle School from 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm.
Picture Day is Coming!
Did you know you may complete the 2020 Census even if you rent your home? Learn more at 2020CENSUS.GOV
#2020Census #SSDWeCare
June 1 through June 26, 2020 meal distribution will be from 10:00 AM to 11:30 AM, Monday - Thursday at Standard Middle School, and the bus stop at West Day and Park Meadow Drive.